The session was 2 hours long, I met the client at their local golf club where they usually train. I ensured that my client brought along their Ipod/phone, containing the songs that they normally listen to in the gym, travelling to the comp, warm up and just before the competition and see if they are listening to the correct types of music. I chose listening to music as the second method that was aimed to help my client as, in the primary consultation they identified that they already use imagery and self talk, however these didn't seem to be having a high enough effect on my client. Therefore I believe that using music will help them control their anxiety levels easier as the BPM and lyrics of the music will contribute highly. Listening to music is also an assessable and reproducible method of helping with arousal, therefore once the athlete has learnt the method they will be able to reproduce it easily at every competition.
The main sections I will be focusing on I’ll be the warm up, just before T-off an during competition as these will be the times that the music can tap into the anxiety levels of the athlete. When I asked my client for the reasoning behind these choices they mentioned that “I just like these songs, they make me feel happy”. Even though this is a good reason to listen to songs in general these wont help with their performance dramatically. For example using ‘Work-Rihanna’ as their song just before T off could just add to the negative effects of their high anxiety as the high BPM of 184 will cause their HR to increase, this high heart rate during golf would be un beneficial as it will cause the movements to be more difficult and less accurate because steadying the body at this higher HR would be difficult.
My client also mentioned that they enjoyed the lyrics within songs and this is why they had been chosen. Therefore because of this fact when I was looking into my music choices I had a conscious effort to think about the lyrics that were within the songs and what they meant to my athlete.
Within my music choices I took into account the lyrics, I tried to ensure that all the lyrics were motivating and off a positive background, I hoped that this would help my client keep in a more positive,lower anxiety mindset as these lyrics will be playing in their head during the comp and they will be able to remember the lyrics and what they actually mean to them.
"This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!” (Remember the nam-Fort Minor)
This is some of the lyrics with in the ‘Remember the name’ song, I hope by playing this song prior to training it will reduce there nerves as it is a highly motivational song with positive lyrics, my aim is that this will help take the athletes mind off there nerves and feel that they can perform in the competition. Furthermore as the BPM of the song is 85BPM this is at resting rate, therefore this is keeping the individual HR at a low rate and not allowing it to escalate to high as this could add to the effects of the anxiety. This higher HR can also cause the golfing movements such as the drive to be effected in a negative way as they will rush the movements as their increase HR will cause their adrenaline to rise.
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