Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Week 1 (Education)

Week 1-

This week I met with the client for the first time, also present in the meeting was my clients coach so that I kept them involved with the decisions and progress being made and my clients parents since they are under the age of 18 years. I met the client at their local golf club in a booked out reception room that allow the meeting to be private and in a quiet, familiar environment to help keep my client in a relaxed state. During this meeting we discussed their sports, their level and how many times a week they trained. Also I got my client to complete a consultation (voice recording attached), this consolation allowed me to create a detailed picture of my client and their sporting background. Finally my client completed the ‘Test of performance strategies (TOPS)’ (Thomas et al,1999) this gave me an insight into the areas that are included and how they already used different strategies in their current competitions are training. The questionnaire looks into activation, automaticity, emotional control, goal-setting, imagery, negative thinking, relaxation and self-talk so this allowed me to excess a large amount of data and see how the client scores currently. When the 6 week program has been completed I will get my client to re take the questionnaire to see what the effects have been. 

By completing this consultation phase I have identified that my client has high anxiety during competition periods. As shown below, these answers to the questions identify to me that they suffer from high anxiety, this could have negative effects on their performance as it could cause them to make mistakes of they don't believe in themselves and have higher anxiety they are less likely to take risks during their competition.

For my athlete and to helps with their high anxiety levels I have prescribed controlled breathing and listening to music. To begin the education of the athlete, after they left the session I emailed them some youtube linked which will help explain the techniques and how they will be used. Furthermore I asked the client to think about the types of music they like and what they feel helps their confidence and motivation currently. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtyExtEBF-k

Linked to this I also sent a link to a BPM database of music so that my client could start looking into the different music that they currently listen to. 

Test of performance strategies questionnaire 

This is the link to listen to the consultation phase with my client.


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